Just Try to Slow Him Down

As a warehouse supervisor, Bob P. is an active guy. He’s busy, and he’s on his feet a lot. For someone like Bob, —needless to say—a bum knee was a big problem.  

It got to the point that he needed total replacement of his left knee—also called total knee arthroplasty (arthro = joint, plasty = change/repair). 

Bob had heard about the Game Ready cold and compression system from a friend and asked his provider for a prescription. His orthopedic surgeon also recommended cold and compression therapy before and after the surgery. (Game Ready products may lead to lower postoperative blood loss.) 

A few hours after the procedure, Bob’s doctor used another cold and compression therapy machine on his knee. But having used Game Ready before his knee replacement, Bob knew right away which machine he preferred. At home, he also tried ice packs, but found the Game Ready unit gave him more relief from pain and stiffness. It makes sense: Game Ready provides faster, deeper-penetrating, and longer-lasting cooling than traditional rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) methods and other devices!

A little over two weeks after surgery, Bob found he could do many of his rehab exercises without much pain. He wanted to get back to his life as soon as possible, so on top of using his Game Ready unit, he followed his doctor’s instructions and did all the exercises recommended by his physical therapists. We appreciate Bob taking the time to film parts of his journey, and we’re so excited to see he’s doing well.



If you’re interested in trying Game Ready for injury or post-surgical recovery, ask your doctor and contact Game Ready using this form to start the process. Rental via the form is available by prescription and only for US patients at this time. Although everyone’s recovery experience will be different, it’s important to follow instructions from your care team and use Game Ready as recommended by your doctor.