Game Ready Insider

Strainin' on a Prayer: Rockin' Your Groin Recovery

By Game Ready | Mar 02, 2024

What do you think of when you hear “pull a groin muscle?” We know, we know. Nothing fun. But get yourself out of the fetal position and listen up. First, most groin strains can be treated successfully at home. Second, there are ways to help manage the pain as you heal.

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5 Ways to Help Speed Up Groin Strain Recovery Time

By Game Ready | Jun 17, 2019


A groin strain injury can happen to anybody, but it is most common in athletes, and particularly those who play soccer, football, or hockey.1 The injury happens when the muscles in the groin area contract too suddenly, causing a painful stretch or tear in the muscle tissue.2 How do you know if you have a groin strain injury?

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