All over the world, athletes test the limits of their bodies through all kinds of strenuous activities, such as workouts, marathons, and sports. These activities leave them open to the risk of injury, strains, and sprains.
Over the years, numerous methods have been used to help treat these injuries and get back to the game. One of the most common is to take medication designed to reduce pain. Although this can provide some relief, often the pain medication does not specifically target the injured or sprained area, instead providing general pain coverage.
To pinpoint problem areas specifically, athletes may utilize cold compression therapy. By using cold compression machines and wraps, they can target specific injured or stressed areas directly, speeding up the time it takes to recover and get back to the game. In addition, portable systems can be more efficient than having to sit in an ice bath or use ice packs and frozen vegetables that won’t last long at room temperature. Let’s learn more about how cold compression therapy can help athletes find relief from pain.
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